We are extremely disappointed in the failure of EU Member States to support the political agreement on the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) today. This is a major blow for responsible business and workers worldwide.
This decision follows more than three years of negotiations which have rallied overwhelming support from businesses, investors, trade unions, and civil society.
We call for the Belgian Presidency and Member States to return with urgency to the negotiations and overcome this setback for corporate accountability and human rights protection, ahead of the upcoming EU elections.
“Failure to adopt this landmark agreement is a deplorable setback for responsible business and workers globally. A renewed sense of urgency is crucial to ensure no further progress is lost.”
Peter McAllister, ETI.
Many leading EU companies are already conducting risk based human rights due diligence which is proving valuable for business and a driver of better standards for workers. We already have related regulation in Germany and France so an opportunity has been missed to harmonise this across the EU market and lead on this important global agenda.
ETI joins others in demanding urgent action by the Belgian Presidency and Member States to put the CSDDD back on track and reach agreement.